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Nursery Curriculum

Termly Curriculum Overviews

Spring 1 Term Curriculum Overview

Summer 1 Term  Curriculum Overview.pdf

 Summer 2 Term Curriculum Overview.pdf

Autumn 1 Term Curriculum Overview


EYFS Curriculum Intent

At Cuddington Community Primary School Nursery we provide an environment of ‘awe and wonder’ in which children can experiment, explore, be curious and progress in their own creative ways enhanced by quality adult interactions in a language rich environment.

The EYFS curriculum ensures our children develop the necessary skills, knowledge, and attitude to achieve fulfilling lives. The EYFS is the start of our children’s school journey towards achieving this important purpose. In nursery we aim for the children to leave independent, with a sense of well-being, and a positive attitude towards learning.

Children in Nursery follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and Development Matters. These documents support our nursery staff to implement the statutory requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. There are seven areas of learning split across two main areas of focus:

The Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED) – Self regulation, managing self, building relationships
  • Communication and Language (CL) – Speaking, listening, attention and understanding
  • Physical Development (PD) – Gross motor skills, fine motor skills


The Specific Areas

  • Literacy – Comprehension, word reading and Writing
  • Mathematics – Number, numerical Patterns
  • Understanding The World – Past and present, people, culture and communities, the natural world
  • Expressive Arts and Design - creating materials, being imaginative and expressive



We aim to achieve our curriculum intent by providing an inviting and stimulating environment. We value, respect and care for all our children at Cuddington. Each child is unique and brings an irreplaceable value into our nursery. We provide a curriculum which is based upon the children’s interests, accessible to them and links to the world around them which they know and understand.

The principles that guide the work in the EYFS are grouped into FOUR themes:

  • A unique child
  • Positive relationships
  • Enabling environments
  • Learning and development

We use our children’s interests and curiosities to develop our topics every year. Each year, several topics will be similar (Christmas, people who help us, ourselves, minibeasts etc) and others will be completely based on what the children would like to explore and learn about … Keeping us on our toes! This ensures the curriculum here at Cuddington is broad, diverse, balancing and stimulating for the children in our care.

During our free flow learning we are able to encompass new ideas and thoughts there and then, in the moment. In the moment planning allows staff to harness teachable moments and use these to their advantage. Having a continuous provision in our environment allows both staff and children to have resources they need at their fingertips. Pre-planned activities which link to topic and carpet time learning opportunities are given in addition to the continuous provision for those children unsure of where their curiosity will take them next. In the moment planning allows staff to pick up on a child’s interests and next steps there and then, providing a rich and communication-based learning environment and ensures progression. Each child is unique, and their targets and next steps will therefore reflect the child’s age, developmental readiness, and individual needs.

Topic-based Planning

We plan based upon children’s interests and use in the moment planning. We use information from previous observations, adult knowledge of key group children and tried and tested topics such as ‘People who help us’, ‘Minibeasts’ and ‘Transport’.

Each week, staff discuss ideas for the upcoming topics (decided sometimes on children’s interests, sometimes on topics/themes). All staff suggest activities that link to the adult led and enhancement opportunities. We try to have one maths, phonics, and topic activity out each day which link to what is learnt during carpet and group times.

In the moment planning

In the moment planning works alongside enhancements and continuous provision. Continuous provision is provided daily and is always accessible. Enhancements are provided (one maths, phonics, and topic a day – sometimes adult led). In the moment planning allows staff to proactively plan around the children’s needs, develop next steps and allow exploratory play both with and without adult support. Adults use their knowledge of their children and their experience of the EYFS curriculum aims to develop ideas as they come across them without restraint.

Using a combination of effective questioning and narrative commentaries we access in the moment the child’s level of understanding. We then support them with new vocabulary or ideas to develop their understanding or address misconceptions. This ensures each child progresses at the time, instead of playing catch up. Adults in our setting will use their experience and knowledge of the cohort to decide whether to observe from afar, interact or comment on a child’s learning.



Nursery staff judge when it is necessary to support children and when to observe from a distance. We use a combination of commentary and effective questioning to find information that children know and ask them about it. This gives opportunities for staff to access a child’s understanding in context and making links to other curriculum areas.

The children experience free-flow independent learning through out the morning and the afternoon. During these times, they have access to all resources, being able to use and move anything they need if they are safe and put it back away when they are finished. Children are supported and encouraged to use objects in new ways, using their imagination and investigative skills to develop an understanding of the world around them by finding things out for themselves which helps develop their sense of self and confidence as well as having an opportunity to explore their natural curiosity.

At Cuddington we have a Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) which is the person who will work in partnership with parents, classroom staff and a range of other agencies to enable children with additional needs to make progress.


Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments, in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum, to build up a record of your child's experiences during their time with us. When we see your child doing something that reflects new learning, we will add a photo or video to your child’s Tapestry journal, with comments about their learning and progress. We will also link the observation to an area of learning and to the characteristics of effective learning. You can ‘like’ or comment on the post in a similar way to the way you can on social media sites. 

We welcome uploads of your child’s learning at home as we hold evidence from parents in very high regard. You will see and celebrate learning that we don’t have the opportunity to see at school and by working together, we can produce a wonderful learning journal for you and your child to treasure. At Cuddington, we use a combination of online observations via Tapestry as well as a WOW wall which is designed for children’s work, they are proud of and want to share with the class.